Tory Island Collection

This collection of original work was painted after my very first visit to Tory Island. Many times I had been invited and always made excuses not to go.

Firstly, arriving at the Island was spectacular as the sea was quite rough. The Island residents were welcoming including Patsy Dan, the King of Tory, who met every ferry as it arrived.

I walked all over the island and just let the beauty, colours and land formation sink in. Small white cottages nestled at the sea edge, with very few trees or hedging. The abandoned homes whose wooden doors were padlocked when people had left the island in search of work.

The culture and traditions are so important to the people, who continue with traditional music and dance and storytelling. The small fishing boats that still went out to sea, changeable weather permitting, to fish.

The sky changed colour many times a day, beautiful blue to purple to grey. At the end of the Island stands the Lighthouse tall and majestic gleaming in the sunlight. Such was the inspiration that of the Island of Tory, that I could hardly wait to get to back to my studio and begin painting.

During the the following six months I painted these twelve works, and adored every moment of the process. Towards the end of that same year the Tory Island Painters were exhibiting work in Belfast, and invited me to show this work in their exhibition. I felt nervous about what they would think about my representation of their island. Happily, both they and the the public loved the work.


A Place in the Choir


Selected Original Paitings